At the turn of the century, George Lucas consigned his beloved Star Wars universe to an abyssmal black hole of deconstructed continuity and overly digitized silliness with the release of the dishearteningly irrelevant prequel episodes. Fans of the boundless imagination and strong narrative of the original film trilogy found hope, however, with the line of Star Wars comics published by Dark Horse Comics. One such comic doing justice to the epic mythos that enthralled millions is issue six of Star Wars Tales. This quarterly publication showcased adventures and backstories expanding faithfully upon the touchstones of the galaxy far, far away. In this particular issue, readers are treated to a hauntingly moody encounter between Darth Vader and C-3PO that salvages actual drama from the improbable origins of the droid from Episode 1. The issue's cover (by artist Kilian Plunkett) showcases this meeting with an "alas poor Yorick" moment between the Sith Lord and the golden droid.
4 hours ago