In this early adventure of the Justice League of America, readers are treated to a true gathering of champions with the first ever team-up between the JLA and the Justice Society of America. When villians from both Earth-1, the mainstream Earth of DC continuity, and Earth-2, the alternate reality where the Golden Age heroes of the DC universe remained for years, combine forces and commit crimes across both universes, it is only the combined power of the premiere super teams of two universes that is capable of preserving justice and order. This classic cover depicts the Justice League trapped in their headquarters and calling out across the dimensions to the Justice Society for assistance. Penciler Mike Sekowsky, inker Murphy Anderson, and letterer Ira Schnapp bring together this seance-inspired, historic teaming of legends. Notice especially the Martian Manhunter of the 1960s, which more resembles Lex Luthor with a digestive disorder than the Martian that fans of the Modern Era know so well.